SALSA is a collaborative project funded by the European Commission under the theme FP7 KBBE (Knowledge-Based Bio-Economy), topic KBBE.2010.2.5-02 “Eco-challenges in the food chain of the Latin American region – SICA (Latin America)”. Grant Agreement no: 265927

Start date may the 1st 2011 - Finish date may the 1st 2014.

SALSA overall objective is to contribute to tackle Latin America countries eco-challenges (deforestation, CO2 emission, reduced biodiversity, water–air-soil pollution, reduction in food security) related to farms productions and food chains relationships between Latin America and EU and enhance the food chains value added and competitiveness.

SALSA specific objectives are:

  • Increase of the Latin American and EU food chains social, environmental and economic sustainability (WP3; WP4; WP5);
  • Improvement of the SMEs and small agro-food producers access to local and EU sustainable food export markets (WP2; WP4; WP5; WP6);
  • Enhancement of the food chains agents’ relationship efficiency, both in terms of knowledge exchange and efficient trading relations, in Latin America and EU (WP6; WP4; WP5 );
  • Promote the EU and Latin American policy makers quality and quantity in the information, support education and raise the awareness of the needs for an effective food policy oriented to sustainability (WP7; WP5; WP2);
  • Promote the EU and Latin American consumers and civil society quality and quantity in the information, support, education and raise the awareness on sustainable food production and consumption impact on their living conditions (WP7; WP5; WP2) ;